Virgo Show

Virgo Show is a collaborative senior thesis

exhibition by Joey Shaffer and Morgan Ness


This is for them.


“This is for them. I do not care if a single outside being views this show. The people who have letters on the wall are the only ones I care about. I am bitter. The world took away the last year of school from me. Took away the people. Took away the laughs. Took away the place. I have been left with a wound that will never heal. I cannot help but think what if? It happened just when we were all so happy together too. I lost the growth that would have come from that last year, but I also grew in other ways. I realized just how much I valued people. I realized how many people I take for granted. I realized that it's silly to hold grudges against people I truly care about, or at the very least that I need to recognize the impact certain people have had on me. I also realized how precious and fleeting life is. I felt emotions I’ve been trying to hide for so long, and it felt good to finally cry. It has been such a joy to do this show with Morgan. I feel a connection to her that is written in the stars. I’m so happy that after so long I was able to physically collaborate with someone I care and respect so much before I graduate. I invited people I never thought I would talk to again. A crush of five years, an ex who is the only one I’ve ever truly loved, and the teacher who is the reason I am an artist and ended up here in the first place. This pandemic gave me the courage to swallow my pride, and this show is the result of that. It is an honest love letter to all the people I love.”

I Love You



35mm Film 2021


Euphoria Withered Zine